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Volume 19(1/2)

- Studia dipterologica

  Vol. 1(1) 1994
  Vol. 1(2) 1994
  Vol. 2(1) 1995
  Vol. 2(2) 1995
  Vol. 3(1) 1996
  Vol. 3(2) 1996
  Vol. 4(1) 1997
  Vol. 4(2) 1997
  Vol. 5(1) 1998
  Vol. 5(2) 1998
  Vol. 6(1) 1999
  Vol. 6(2) 1999
  Vol. 7(1) 2000
  Vol. 7(2) 2000
  Vol. 8(1)a 2001
  Vol. 8(1)b 2001
  Vol. 8(2) 2001
  Vol. 9(1) 2002
  Vol. 9(2) 2002
  Vol. 10(1) 2003
  Vol. 10(2) 2003
  Vol. 11(1) 2004
  Vol. 11(2) 2004
  Vol. 12(1) 2005
  Vol. 12(2) 2005
  Vol. 13(1) 2006
  Vol. 13(2) 2006
  Vol. 14(1) 2007
  Vol. 14(2) 2007
  Vol. 15(1/2) 2008
  Vol. 16(1/2) 2009
  Vol. 17(1/2) 2010
  Vol. 18(1/2) 2011
  Vol. 19(1/2) 2012
  Vol. 20(1) 2013
  Vol. 20(2) 2013
  Vol. 21(1) 2014
  Vol. 21(2) 2014
  Vol. 22(1) 2015







 Compiled by:
 Fritz Geller-Grimm
 Dr. Frank Menzel


Publishing date of volume 19(1/2): July 20 2013

Peter ZWICK (3-6):
Liponeura vaillanti spec. nov., a new net-winged midge (Diptera: Blephariceridae) from Algeria. - [Liponeura vaillanti spec. nov., eine neue Netzflügelmücke (Diptera: Blephariceridae) aus Algerien.]


Contents / Inhalt (PDF)

Jaakko L. POHJOISMÄKI, Theo BLICK and Wolfgang H. O. DOROW (6-8):
Loewia erecta Bergström (Diptera: Tachinidae) new to Germany. - [Loewia erecta Bergström (Diptera: Tachinidae) neu für Deutschland.]


Contents / Inhalt (PDF)

Kristina BAUMJOHANN und Hans-Georg RUDZINSKI (9-16):
Bemerkenswerte Fliegen-Funde (Diptera) im Rahmen einer forensisch entomologischen Freilandstudie in Nordrhein-Westfalen (Deutschland). - [On some notable flies (Diptera) from a forensic entomological study in North Rhine-Westphalia (Germany).]


Contents / Inhalt (PDF)

Axel SSYMANK (17-57):
Contributions to the fauna of hoverflies (Diptera: Syrphidae) of north-eastern Greece, with special focus on the Rhodope Mountains with the Natura 2000 site Periochi Elatia, Pyramis Koutra. - [Beiträge zur Fauna der Schwebfliegen (Diptera: Syrphidae) von Nordost-Griechenland, unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Rhodopen mit dem Natura 2000-Gebiet Periochi Elatia, Pyramis Koutra.]


Contents / Inhalt (PDF)

Catherine A. PRUSZYNSKI and Lawrence J. HRIBAR (58-60):
New records of lower Diptera for the Florida Keys, USA. - [Neue Nachweise niederer Diptera für die Florida Keys, USA.]


Contents / Inhalt (PDF)

Gunnar Mikalsen KVIFTE (61-64):
The status of Tipula hirta Linnaeus, with notes on the genera Panimerus Eaton and Ulomyia Walker (Diptera: Psychodidae). - [Der Status von Tipula hirta Linnaeus, mit Bemerkungen zu den Gattungen Panimerus Eaton und Ulomyia Walker (Diptera: Psychodidae).]


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Jens-Hermann STUKE (65-66):
An additional record of the genus Myopa Fabricius from the Afrotropical Region (Diptera: Conopidae). - [Ein weiterer Nachweis der Gattung Myopa Fabricius aus der Afrotropis (Diptera: Conopidae).]


Contents / Inhalt (PDF)

Jean-Claude VALA, William L. MURPHY, Lloyd KNUTSON and Rudolf ROZKOŠNÝ (67-137):
A cornucopia for Sciomyzidae (Diptera). - [Ein Füllhorn für Sciomyzidae (Diptera).]


Contents / Inhalt (PDF)

Jens-Hermann STUKE and Gerard PENNARDS (137-138):
The first record of Sicus alpinus Stuke from the Pyrenees (Diptera: Conopidae). - [Erster Nachweis von Sicus alpinus Stuke aus den Pyrenäen (Diptera: Conopidae).]


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Frank MENZEL and Ayman Khamis ELSAYED (139-140):
The first record of Bradysia ocellaris (Comstock) (Diptera: Sciaridae) from Egypt. - [Erstnachweis von Bradysia ocellaris (Comstock) (Diptera: Sciaridae) aus Ägypten.]


Contents / Inhalt (PDF)

Werner MOHRIG, Kai HELLER, Heikki HIPPA, Pekka VILKAMAA and Frank MENZEL (141-286):
Revision of the Black Fungus Gnats (Diptera: Sciaridae)of North America. - [Revision der Trauermücken (Diptera: Sciaridae) Nordamerikas.]


Contents / Inhalt (PDF)

Frank MENZEL (289-294):
Bericht über die 29. Tagung des Arbeitskreises Diptera 2012 in Altenburg und Windischleuba (Thüringen). - [Report on the 29th meeting of the German Diptera Working Group 2012 in Altenburg and Windischleuba (Thuringia).]


Contents / Inhalt (PDF)
